Royal Society of Biology ● Online Training Portal

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Welcome to the online training portal of the Royal Society of Biology. On this site we will be publishing a range of courses relevant to our members and anyone else with an interest in biology. You will need to log in or create an account in order to access our content.
Note: We are currently experiencing issues, caused by WorldPay, with card-payments on the myLearning site. If you wish to purchase a course, please email the team at stating the course you wish to purchase, and they will be happy to help.
*** This course contributes to the Royal Society of Biology's Industry Skills Certificate.
£175 (+VAT, Members), £350 (+VAT, Non-members); other tariffs available

Gopher Science Lab
Online training for Primary Teachers to teach Science through engaging practical activities
£18 (+VAT, Members), £45 (+VAT, Non-members); other tariffs available

Plant Health Professional Register – Associate Training
An introduction to the Plant Health Professional (PHP) register, led by PHPs in industry, government & research.
This course is aimed at those interested in applying for PHP registration at Associate level, and goes into the PHP Register and competencies, led by PHPs across the breadth of fields in plant health. This course is free to RSB members.
£0 (+VAT, Members), £75 (+VAT, Non-members); other tariffs available

Assessor Training for Accreditation
An online course for those wanting to become an assessor for Accreditation of university degrees
*This training is for pre-selected Accreditation assessors only.

Introduction to Project Management for Biologists
An online course for those who have recently become involved in or responsible for project management
*** This course contributes to the Royal Society of Biology's Industry Skills Certificate
£75 (+VAT, Members), £150 (+VAT, Non-members); other tariffs available

Introduction to Trusteeship and Governance
An online course developed for trustees to become familiar with the role and its requirements.
£75 (+VAT, Members), £150 (+VAT, Non-members); other tariffs available
Gopher Science Lab
Online training for Primary Teachers to teach Science through engaging practical activities
Plant Health Professional Register – Associate Training
An introduction to the Plant Health Professional (PHP) register, led by PHPs in industry, government & research.
Introduction to Project Management for Biologists
An online course for those who have recently become involved in or responsible for project management
The Royal Society of Biology is a single unified voice for biology. Our vision is of a world that understands the true value of biology and how it can contribute to improving life for all.
Be part of an organisation that includes some of the world's leading bioscientists.
We are the Royal Society of Biology, a single unified voice for biology: advising Government and influencing policy; advancing education and professional development; supporting our members, and engaging and encouraging public interest in the life sciences. The Society represents a diverse membership of individuals, learned societies and other organisations.
Our contact details:
Royal Society of Biology
1 Naoroji Street
Registered Charity No: 277981, Incorporated by Royal Charter
All enquiries: 020 3925 3440

Purchases and Refunds
When purchasing online training material you are allowing the Royal Society of Biology to use your personal details to fulfil your order. In the event of their being a problem with your order we will communicate with you via e-mail, telephone or letter.
Only online training materials and related services and products are sold through this site.
Transactions take place over a secure connection. Where applicable VAT is charged at the standard UK rate.
Cancellation and amendments
If you pay for an online course, you have in accordance with applicable EU and UK law a 7 day cooling off period during which you have the right to cancel and receive a refund. You don’t need to give a reason to cancel. If you do decide to cancel within the 7 days, we will refund your payment usually within 7 days, but no later than within 30 days of your cancellation.
Your statutory rights are not affected.
Organisation details and address
Royal Society of Biology
1 Naoroji Street
VAT No: GB719029238
Registered Charity No: 277981, Incorporated by Royal Charter
All enquiries:
For any queries or complaints about goods or services please contact us or write to the above address. You can telephone on 020 7685 2400. Lines are open Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00.
We advise you to print and keep a copy of these terms and conditions for your records.
Data Protection
Who we are
The Royal Society of Biology is a registered charity (No. 277981) and is incorporated by Royal Charter. The Royal Society of Biology is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (No. Z5761557) in the UK under the Data Protection Act 1998.
What we collect
The types of personal information we collect may include your title, first name, surname, gender, date of birth, your qualifications, home and work contact details (telephone, fax, street address, email address, credit card details or bank details) and your mailing address. We may also collect information relating to your employment, including where you are currently employed, your job title, areas of interest/expertise and your job function if this is relevant to your transaction.
How we handle your personal information
The Royal Society of Biology respects the privacy of members and all other website users, and aims to act consistently with the Data Protection Act, and the 8 principles of data protection.
Generally, the Royal Society of Biology collect personal information directly from you when you:
- Deal with us in person, by telephone, letter, fax or email
- Access online training material
- Fill out and submit a feedback form
- Submit any other information in connection with using online training materials or the purchase of related materials
- Register to attend an event
Why we collect information
We collect personal data to provide and administer online training and related materials.
Maintaining the accuracy of data
Users can correct or update personal data using their online mySociety account or by contacting us by emailing
Payment and bank details
Any information provided by you in connection with a payment or transaction regarding your credit or debit card numbers, expiry date and billing or delivery address will be used by us to process the transaction.
Credit card details are not stored on our servers, but are securely stored on the WorldPay payment gateway employed by us for the processing of card payments.
Use and disclosure
The policy of the Royal Society of Biology is not to disclose any personal information that we hold on you to any unrelated third party, except where you have given your express consent for us to do so or where required by law.
The Royal Society of Biology (or its committee members/representatives) may use your email address for the purpose of notifying you about products, services, events or activities of relevance to you. If you tell us that you do not wish us to use your personal information for a particular purpose, we will not do so.
We also collect email addresses from people who subscribe to email lists. If you do not want to receive email from us in the future please let us know by sending an email to
Personal information collected on this website will be used only for the purpose stated (such as the provision of online training materials and related services and products) and such information will be held for as long as necessary to fulfil the stated purpose.
The Royal Society of Biology (or its committee members/representatives) may, from time to time, email you with additional information considered to be relevant to your training and development needs and interests, but only to those who have given their agreement to receiving such communications.
Information that you supply to the Royal Society of Biology through this website is held securely and strict security procedures are followed to prevent unauthorised access or use.
Information to improve our site
We also collect information automatically about your visit to our site. This information is used to help us follow browsing preferences on our site so that we can regularly improve our website and enable more advanced features of our website.
Cookies on our site
A cookie is a text-only string of information that a website transfers to the cookie folder of the browser on your computer's hard disk so that the website can remember who you are. The law relating to cookies changed on 26 May 2011. The new rules require that cookies can only be placed on machines where the user has given their consent.
This website uses cookies for essential functions such as login and account management. We also use Google analytics to monitor website usage and to make relevant improvements. If you do not want to be tracked by Google analytics then please follow Google's opt-out instructions. More information about cookies and how to opt out of using them is available at
Please note that you will not be able to login to this website without using cookies.
Access to personal information
You can seek access to the personal information we hold about you, by contacting us. You should include your name, address and telephone number. If the information we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete or outdated, please inform us so that we can correct it.
Your consent to this policy
By using our website, you consent to the collection and use of information by the Royal Society of Biology as specified above. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will gain consent where appropriate and post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect and how we use it.
How to contact us
Data Protection Officer
Royal Society of Biology
1 Naoroji Street
020 7685 2400